Pages From My Diary - Prologue

Present Day,
                                        A large cleaning process held his Sunday – the only day he could rest a bit. But this Sunday made him a bit restless. He was cleaning his shelves and suitcases. He doesn’t have much of his collections with him now at his work place. He left out his bunch of movie tickets, cluster of bus tickets and most gifts from his sweetheart in his hometown. But he had all his first gift of all the years so far with him. He carried them wherever he goes atleast to safeguard his hidden secrets! 
The Diary – Usual Gift from his dad on January 1st of every year! Though it is regular he was much fascinated with that as it records life’s important dates! He took a diary randomly which was 2011 and opened a page… 

P.S :- Its purely fictional and any coincidence to any living characters is purely coincidental!

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